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Thursday 23 August 2018

Sambar powder


Coriander seeds………………………….1cup
Toor dal……………………………………..1cup
Chenna dal………………………………..1cup
Mustard seeds…………………………..1tbsp
Fenugreek ……………………………….1tbsp
Chilly powder……………………………..Depends on the final grind
amount of the powder (see method)



                          Heat a pan in medium flame and add Toor dal Channa dal,
                                 Urad dal.Fry the dal until its golden brown color.

                       Then add mustard seeds,fenugreek seeds and transfer to a plate to let it cool.

                       Fry coriander seeds in the hot pan for 3-4 min till the seeds are warm.
                           Mix the dal and Coriander seeds together.Grind it to a powder
                                                             after it is cooled.

               Measure the powder and mix chilly powder in same amount or little less
                   depending upon the hotness of the chilly powder . I used 5 cups.

                                                 Mix it well and store it in an air tight jar.