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Friday 15 November 2013

Bread Upma


 Bread egg upma is easy to prepare for breakfast. 
It is delicious in taste.

Ingredients:                                             Serves.2

Bread slice _______ 6 nos
Eggs ____________ 3 nos
Onion____________ 2 nos ( finely cut)
Green chilies______1-2 nos( finely cut)
Chili powder ______1 tsp
Oil ______________4-5 tbsp
Mustard seeds _____1 tsp
Cumin seeds ______1 tsp
Curry leaves ___________ few
Coriander leaves ________ few


1. Cut the bread slices into small pieces.

2. Heat the pan with 1 tbsp oil, add eggs, chili powder,  salt and scramble  till its cook.

3. Heat another pan in medium flame, add 3-4 tbsp oil,mustard seeds, cumin seeds, green chilies, curry leaves,onion and saute for 1-2minutes.

4. Add  bread pieces and saute till  golden color.

5. Add scrambled eggs and mix well. 

6. Remove from flame and garnish with coriander leaves.

7. Can add vegetables like peas, potato, carrot. 

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