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Saturday 2 November 2013

Sweet Shell




Maida (all purpose flour)-------------- 2cups
Sugar ------------------------------------ 1 to 11/4 cup
Cardamon-------------------------------2no ( powdered)
Unsalted butter ------------------------ 2 tbsp
Salt -------------------------------------- 1pinch
Oil----------------------------------------to deep fry

To make shell shape:


Make a dough with maida, butter,salt and water like chapati dough.

 Take a new comb or fork.Then  take a small piece of dough 
into the hand  and  press it on comb or fork till get the shell shape.


Repeat the same way for all the dough, keep the shell for fry.

Take sugar,1/4 cup water in a vessel and heat for sugar syrup.
Once  one string  consistency comes in syrup then syrup is ready,add cardamon powder.

 Fry the shells  in golden color and immerse  in to the 
syrup that already made.


Transfer to the plate for cool.Now sweet shell are ready

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