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Wednesday 12 November 2014

Vendaikkai Vathal recipe (Ladies finger vathal)

 Vendaikkai Vathal is used to prepare vathal kuzhambu.Fried one  is also good with curd rice..

Vendakkai........1 kg
Salt....................2 tbsp
Water.................2 liters 


1. Wash and dry the vendaikkai.
2.Cut them into 1 inch long pieces.

3.Dry  the pieces in room temperature for one day.
4.Take wide vessel with water, salt and allow to boil.
5.Add the vendakkai pieces into the boiling water. ( it will take 2-3 min )
  Once it changes the colour take it out and cool down completely.

6.Spread the vendakkai pieces in a clean cloth or in a plastic paper.
7.Let it dry in sun light until  it dried completely. It will take 3-4 days.
8.Store in a air tight container.

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